Wilderness Posts

The Christian Wilderness

The Christian Wilderness

The Christian Wilderness. How shall I start to explain this? The best way I can describe it is that you are confronted with an anti-you barrier, and in the eyes of the world you look like a loser. Limitation after limitation have been part of your life now for years, or you’ve had to endure a lifetime of restriction. What I mean

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“You Try to Escape the Pain…

“You Try to Escape the Pain…

... yet God sees tender compassion for other sufferers finding birth in your soul."  That's great, but what about me?   Who's going to nurse my soul with tender care and consideration?  Am I just a visual aide?  A walking billboard, if you will?   I’ve been...

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Do Not Fear the Wilderness

Do Not Fear the Wilderness

“For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child."  Hebrews 12:6   Afflictions are the proof of God’s paternal love for us.  We all need chastisement.  All of us have our own faults and foolishness.  Friends, think about...

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And Laid Your Hand Upon Me

And Laid Your Hand Upon Me

It takes tremendous courage to look away from circumstance and look instead to God.  A good measure of our faith is having the courage to believe in a good outcome, despite all that we see.  We all know it's seldom easy to do the right thing.  It takes courage and...

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Sorrow is Better than Laughter…

Sorrow is Better than Laughter…

“Sorrow is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart.” Ecclesiastes 7: 3 Sorrow is better... really? Sorrow is a tool God uses to reach down into the depths of our soul to reveal who we really are. It uncovers the shallowness in our hearts. But...

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Training For the Battle

Training For the Battle

“Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle--“    Psalm 144:1 So I’m getting ready for bed last night, but weeping; crying out to the Lord because of the burning pain I have in my feet (my arches are what get very painful when...

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He’s In the Process of Turning Your Mess into a Message

He’s In the Process of Turning Your Mess into a Message

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23: 4 The school of sorrow is where it begins. Some of us have been walking in the wilderness a very long time....

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“Who is this one? Look at her now. She arises from her Desert of Difficulty Clinging to her Beloved.”  Songs 8:5