I really appreciate the thoughts I received regarding my last post. I especially like this one…

“We need these reminders in our lives to drop what we are doing and spend time with Him.”

This comment made me think and was a really good reminder to me also. First of all, I know that I know…beyond the shadow of a doubt, that spending time with God in my first waking moments sets precedence for the whole day. But you know…life happens and sometimes we get busy and distracted. The next thing we know, we’re not in the Word like we should be. Every time we read God’s Word we are open to a new perspective—His perspective. He knows exactly what is going on with us. He knows the silent questions playing over and over in our minds. When we’re in the Word…It’s the perfect opportunity to have our questions answered or to get a special revelation from or about the Lord.

Today at church, my friend told me something that happened to her and I’ll share it… She told me she was sitting at her computer looking out the window and meditating on God. She suddenly saw many birds in her yard. In her spirit she heard God whisper the scripture about how He cares for the sparrows; how much more He will care for us because we are worth far more than sparrows. She told me God was preparing her heart for the rest of her day. I won’t get into details, but she told me it seemed that everything was going wrong for her. The plans she made were going awry. But still– she knew God reminded her earlier that day that He would provide and take care of her. So even though things seemed messed up, she had peace in her heart. Long story short… everything worked out for good (God says all things work together for good—Romans 8:28) That was a lesson about trust—she passed the test—and is now able to share that truth. Isn’t that a great story?

This is an example of the kind of things we can miss out on. I know God really wants to talk with us. He wants to get important messages to us. For a minute, let me talk about hardness of heart or some people not being able to hear God’s voice. In scripture, God is very clear that He will guide us. Here’s just one scripture that confirms this…

“Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity.” Jeremiah 29: 12-14

In your busyness, do you ever hear a voice deep down inside of you reminding you that you should be reading your Bible or that you need to be praying and talking with God? Because you’re so preoccupied with whatever you’re doing, you dismiss it and carry on with all your different projects. I’m just as guilty of this as some of you are. The reason I bring any of this up is to remind you or make you aware, that each time we ignore that voice we get a small step away from not being able to hear God. The Holy Spirit is talking and reminding us (Just like Jesus said…”The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth”) to spend quality time with our Father.

I know that when we put God first we can start tackling our day with absolute confidence, knowing that He will guide our steps—just like He promised. Then, you will have a beautiful and blessed day:) Love ya!