This afternoon I want to share a little nugget God has planted in my heart as I read the Bible this morning. This ties in so well with the whole waiting thing and God’s amazing grace. But before I share this let me set the stage and tell you that recent things in my life have been a little hectic. Things here in Computer Land have really kept me busy…trying to learn about internet marketing and promotion, joining different networks, changing my blog template (I hope you like it BTW). Personal things are a little hectic now too. Long story short, I went on one of the social networks I’ve just joined to respond to a message someone left me…and I heard music…this in itself isn’t out of the ordinary because sometimes people program their computers or their web pages to play music. But clearly this was not the case because I was on my page (specifically mine), and I did not program music to play. Anyway, the lyrics of whoever was singing were beautiful. Just what I needed to hear. I felt as if those words were coming from the heart of God, intended just for me. The chorus was, “Keep walking through the storm…the wind and waves…I am with you when you go through deep water or when the flames are surrounding you.” It was a confirmation about some of my responses to things going on right now in my life.

Anyway, back to grace. I first read that there will be no desire or vision the Holy Spirit will ever place in you, unless He intends to fulfill it. I always knew that, but again it was another confirmation. So I can say without a doubt that His provision of grace, which will always help us along the way to this fulfillment, actually ties in with the inner vision God has given us. Make sense?

To understand a little more about this, I believe the Lord led me to Exodus chapter 3—This is where God had originally spoken to Moses in the burning bush…

“Then the Lord told him, ‘I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey—the land where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites now live. Look! The cry of the people of Israel has reached me, and I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abuse them. Now go, for I am sending you to Pharoah. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt.” Exodus 3: 7-10

This is the Commentary: Moses made excuses because he felt inadequate for the job God asked him to do. It was natural for him to feel that way. He was inadequate all by himself. But God wasn’t asking Moses to work alone. He offered other resources to help (God Himself, Aaron, and the ability to do miracles). God often calls us to do tasks that seem too difficult, but He doesn’t ask us to do them alone. God offers us His resources, just as He did to Moses. We should not hide behind our inadequacies, as Moses did, but look beyond ourselves to the great resources available. Then we can allow God to use our unique contributions.

Wow. It’s all about God’s amazing grace. I always said that we need to do our best…do what we can do, and let the rest up to God. Thank you Father for giving us Your Word. Your Word gives us so much truth, and gives us so many examples of situations that happened long ago that parallel our lives today. And Father, I remember reading in the book of Ecclesiastes…

“History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. Sometimes people say, ‘Here is something new!’ But actually it is old; nothing is ever truly new.” Ecclesiastes 1: 9-10

Your Word truly is a light for my feet and a lamp for my path:)