I shared this with a few people, and now I would like to share this with you…

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in front of the TV watching the movie CASTAWAY w/ Tom Hanks. I can never forget the message from this movie that resonated in my soul.

If you are familiar with this story, Tom Hanks was in a terrible storm that resulted in him being deserted on an island. Tom Hanks seemed to have lost everything.

At that point in the movie, I felt a very strong and clear impression in my mind- a small, still voice was saying, “This is your life.” It gets better: if you remember, Tom Hanks tried to kill himself because of his overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and solitude, but was unsuccessful. Well, I never tried to commit suicide, but I have asked God numerous times to take my life…because I just didn’t want to live with all of my limitations anymore. I felt like Tom Hanks felt…that I had lost everything.

But Tom Hanks had to learn how to adjust and adapt to his new surroundings. I had to learn also.

Fast forward in the movie…Tom Hanks is sitting alone with one of his friends (this is after he was able to escape captivity on the island. He was now back in civilization), and he is confiding in him. He told his friend that while he was on that island, “All of my logic just kept telling me I was never going to make it, but it felt as though a warm blanket was covering me and telling me I had to keep breathing. Then one day the tides turned (if you remember, a piece of the side of a boat washed upon shore, and Tom Hanks was able to make a raft out of it, which helped him escape off the island), and here I am with you now. You never know when the tides are gonna turn.”

Did you get it? I most certainly did…You never know when the tides will turn. Keep breathing.

That’s awesome! God will use any means possible to get through to us…all we need to do is be open to Him and listen. Jesus did say that He is The Good Sheperd, and His sheep will hear His voice.