Sovereignty In Raindrops…

Sovereignty In Raindrops…

Sovereignty. We must really grasp and understand that all of our steps are ordered by the Lord – all of our steps. Sometimes like the disciples, we walk straight into a storm. And yes, Jesus may delay coming to us during our time of distress. This is where we need to cling tightly to the Savior. This happens to test and strengthen our faith. He may not come and deliver us for a long time. But doesn’t the waiting make our prayers more powerful? Doesn’t the waiting make the desire for deliverance stronger? And when it comes, don’t we appreciate it more fully? We tend not to take things for granted anymore. We tend not to be so shallow in certain areas of life. Amen?

Extraordinary Adversity

Extraordinary Adversity

The dreams that Joseph dreamed before all of his troubles started eventually came true. How often do we think our dreams are dead? Our dreams seem to wither and die in the midst of adversity. I have to believe that God will give us our dreams back…and I have to believe than God has prepared an amazing future for each one of His children……