“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”  Mark 10: 15


I got serious about God at 33 years of age.  My life experiences took me way past childhood innocence.  So what did Jesus mean when He says you must be like a child?  Well for starters, my attitude had to change.  Only the Almighty could take that shallowness away.  And did I mention pride?  I was full of it.  My self-sufficiency had to be broken, and I had to realize my need for a Savior…


At the onset of this disease, my body, mind, and soul was plunged into great darkness.  I was thrown into a deep pit, where I was confronted with humiliation after humiliation!   Being forced to eat humble pie is… well, humbling!  My mental toughness had to be softened before a loving God.  So unlike the girl I was, children do not feel supremely powerful or righteous.  Coming to Jesus means accepting His goodness on your behalf, confessing your need, and committing your life to His tender guidance.  The receptiveness of little children was a great contrast to the stubbornness of the religious leaders, who let their education and sophistication stand in the way of simple faith needed to believe in Jesus.


To “believe” in Jesus… well that’s for another post.  But the gist of believing is not just having head knowledge.  I’m talking heart knowledge – something only the Holy Spirit can do.  Believing is all about trusting and relying.  Pisteuo is the Greek word for believe, meaning “to be persuaded of,” “to place confidence in.”  This word signifies “reliance upon,” not mere credence or lip service.


“Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”   Luke 18: 17


Receiving the Kingdom of God means having the simple and trusting attitude that children show to adults on whom they depend.  Jesus wants us to take delight whenever we’re in His presence.  He wants us to enthusiastically read His Word, seek His help, rely on Him for guidance, and trust Him no matter what.  Children do all of that!