Lately I’ve been battling thoughts of doubt…not thoughts of doubt and despair, but perhaps the best way to describe them are thoughts of doubt an unbelief. In my head, I know that nothing is impossible with God, but again…for the hundredth time, I look at my situation (this horrible muscle disease) as though it’s never going to change…like it’s my destiny. And I know that some of you reading this are in the same boat as me… Oh, it may not be a physical malady, but it’s something. Adversity comes in all shapes and sizes.

I want to spend a few days on the topic of unbelief, but this morning I was really blessed by what I read in my devotional. I find that whenever I’m struggling with something, there is always something else that comes to me to enable me to escape that struggle. Whatever it is, it always encourages me…something I read or hear…or someone speaks a simple truth. Anyway, let me share my paraphrased version of the devotional I read this morning:

The greenest grass is always found where the most rain falls. And whenever you find a child of God surrounded with chaos and sorrow, you will also find beautiful foliage of the comfort and love of God. Dear Christian-don’t say, “All the birds have gone.” No, they’re not dead- they just flew south for the winter. Don’t say, “All the flowers are dead.” Even though winter has covered them with a blanket of snow, they’ll push right up out of the ground again. Don’t say that the sun has burned out; just because clouds have covered it. When it shines again, it will have caused those clouds to rain sweet blessings on you.

But remember this…When God seems distant and silent- don’t say that He’s not with you. He is simply waiting because the waiting makes you love Him more. While you are waiting on Him, you’re faith is greatly developing and you’re learning more and more how to exercise your gift of grace. Continue to wait in hope, for He will never come too early or arrive too late.