Proverbs are great…jammed packed with godly advice with a practical twist! Everyone should read, and reread them. They contain a holy mixture of common sense and timely warnings. I know I have said it before…Proverbs aren’t meant to teach doctrine, but a person who follows their advice will walk closely with God. We’re almost halfway done with our study in Proverbs, and today we’ll finish Proverb 14.

“Only simpletons believe everything they’re told! The prudent carefully consider their steps.” Verse 15
“The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence.” Verse 16
“Short-tempered people do foolish things, and schemers are hated.” Verse 17

These three verses tell us there are three ways to play the fool. The first way is to be gullible. Because I didn’t know what was in the Bible, I believed what anyone said; I believed any little statement sounding clever and holy had to come out of the mouth of God. For example, I actually thought the statement “God helps those who help themselves” was in the Bible, in fact I was sure it was in there. Well now I know what’s really there. The opposite is true…God helps those who can’t help themselves. I used to be gullible, but you can’t fool me now. The Bible is truly God’s love letter to anyone who accepts His Son into their hearts. In Hosea 4: 6, God tells us “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” This verse in proverbs is warning us… If we don’t know the real thing, we’ll fall for a counterfeit! And really, Jesus could come back tonight!

The second way to play the fool is to be arrogant. Really think about this verse. Only you can examine your own life. I’m jumping ahead, but if we look at Proverb 22: 3, “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” And that same thing is repeated in Proverbs 27: 12. Remember what it means when God repeats Himself?

The third way to play the fool is to be quick tempered. Let’s look a few verses down… “People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness.” Proverbs 14:29
A nasty and quick temper can be like a fire out of control, burning us and everyone in its path. Anger divides people, puts people on the defense, and pushes us to make hasty decisions that cause bitterness and guilt. Ever been there? Yeah, me too; you’re not alone. Yet, anger in itself, isn’t wrong. Anger can be a legitimate reaction to injustice or sin. So we need to ask ourselves…Are we reacting to an evil situation, or are we responding selfishly to a personal insult?

“Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him.” Proverbs 14: 31

We are all made in the image of God. God has a special concern for the poor. People who are blessed with material goods should be generous with those who are needy. Providing for the poor isn’t just a suggestion in the Bible; it’s a command that may require a change of attitude for some! Think about that. Really think about that.