Do you recall ever talking or listening to someone who, somehow unknowingly, told you exactly what you needed to hear in order for your situation to come to a resolution? Or maybe it was a word of encouragement that spoke directly into the circumstance you found yourself in. Maybe it was an answer to something you’ve been praying about ~ or perhaps, Words of life came to your mind…words that kept playing over and over, you know, words that somehow grew legs and followed you around all day…
God has been so good to me, and I would like to share one of the major ways The Holy Spirit ministered to me, and it’s is still how He reveals himself to me…
I was raised in the church. In my childhood and early adulthood, religion was drilled into me. I was simply, “going through the motions,” and giving all the right answers. God was in my head (I intellectually knew Him), but He wasn’t in my heart.
***To make a long story short…This disease hit, and it was the thing that made me start searching for answers. My heart finally caught up with my head, and Jesus became my Lord and Savior.
God had been pursuing me since I could breathe. Even in my younger days, my heart was being prepared to know Him. So when I was searching for answers, The Holy Spirit brought some of the truth I learned about God, back to my remembrance; He gave me understanding, and what used to only be head knowledge ~ is now in my heart, and part of my identity as a Christian.
I remember the day I gave my heart to Jesus. It was September 5, 2001 ~ almost seven years ago.
The Holy Spirit is the One who’s been responsible for encouraging and motivating me to dig deeper and deeper into the Word. He has given me the hunger to know truth, The Holy Spirit has opened my spiritual eyes, and given me understanding to the things of God. He has arranged divine appointments; He has sat me in front of people who could teach me, put books in front of me, so I could learn, gave me great music that taught me how to praise and worship, and so much more…He gave me anything and everything I needed for my spiritual growth.
As I write this, I’m thinking of Matthew 11:12, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Verse 29 says, “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
“Let me teach you”… that is precisely what He has done. That’s just one example of how true God’s Word is. We’ve not yet even scratched the surface.
I am a living testimony. As I read God’s Word, I sometimes am brought to tears (mostly tears of joy), because His truth pierces my very soul, and gets deep down into my inner man. The Holy Spirit is my Comforter, Counselor, and Encourager. He helps me to live as God wants, and lets me experience His miracle-working power in my life.