I waited patiently for the Lord. (Psalm 40: 1)

Be patient… Patience is a virtue…Patience, Patience, Patience! Having patience is really difficult! Isn’t being patient (waiting on God) much harder than walking out in our faith? It seems that some of us have been waiting forever for our circumstances to change. We can feel trapped. And feeling trapped makes us wonder what is actually going on behind the scenes, and why aren’t our circumstances changing? Even though I suffer with having a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy, I can sit here and say that God has been quite merciful and gracious to me. He knows the exact words this girl needs to be encouraged. I definitely see His hand in everything I do. I say that because He has clearly guided me to read the personal testimonies and words from others pertaining to suffering. And because of this, I know, that I know, that I absolutely know…God has a purpose in all of His delays.

Whatever seems to be holding you captive at this moment in time let me encourage you. Your mountain may seem insurmountable now, but I beg you to step out of yourself for a moment and think of the word eternity, think forever, think perpetual, think unending. I once heard someone’s description of eternity… imagine the ocean, and then imagine spilling a cup of coffee into it. Our lives are that one small cup compared to the vast ocean. And that vast ocean is eternity.

One of the most precious gifts I gave to my father was a scrapbook. It tells the story of my dad’s life. For the first page of the scrapbook I was able to find old family pictures of him as a child. Each page of that book had pictures and content representing a time in my dad’s life. When I presented the finished scrapbook to my dad he told me, with joyful tears, it was the best gift he ever got. Making that scrapbook was fun, but there is something I realize even more so after my father died… Our earthly lives are just like turning pages in a scrapbook. Think about that…they’re just like turning pages in a scrapbook.

All we can do is keep “going with God’s flow,” and in time He will make our paths straight. We have His Word on that! So no matter what…PERSEVERE!

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