“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.”
Romans 13: 1-2

Ok, so the election is over and we now have a new president. Regardless if your candidate won or lost, we must be responsible citizens, as well as responsible Christians. Yes we all have our own feelings and opinions… but do we have a right to gloat or be bitter towards each other when God makes it clear by saying we must submit and not rebel? I thought we gave up our “self-righteous rights” when we surrendered to Christ!

But are there times when we should not obey the government? Yes – we should never allow government to force us to disobey God. And I already know what some of you are thinking… there are things that some of our leaders stand for that are totally contrary to the Word of God. As true as that may be, Romans 13 tells us that ALL AUTHORITY comes from God. Everyone has free will, including our leaders, so they can stand for whatever they want…but when things start to affect you personally, that is the time to follow God’s moral standards, or the choice is always there to disobey.

This is the Word of God. My job is to tell you truth. However you may feel about the election…you must pray and consult God for yourself. I have no interest in debating, so please do not leave any comments of that nature. I love you all. God bless you 🙂