“Hi, how are you?” “Fine.”

This isn’t exactly an in depth discussion. It’s only when our honest feelings and emotions are shared…can we be known, loved, and helped…right? Whenever I’m feeling down or feeling under the weather, the first place in the Bible I go to is the book of Psalms. The Psalms are such a great collection of songs and prayers expressing the heart and soul of humanity. They let me know that what I’m feeling at that moment is not specific only to me…the Psalms let me know that I’m in good company.

David and the other psalmists honestly pour out their feelings of hopelessness, doubt, and fear. They even confess their sins, they ask God for help in troubled times, and turned everything into praise and worship. As you read the Psalms, you’ll hear believers crying out to God from the depths of despair, but whether the Psalm writers are rejoicing or crying out in desperation, you’ll always hear them honestly sharing their feelings with God. And because of this honesty…the Psalms have compelled countless people throughout history, to search time and time again…for comfort during their times of struggle and grief. And through the psalms, they have risen from the pit of despair to having abundant joy. Those same people have discovered (or rediscovered) God’s awesome power of love and forgiveness.

I’ve been a follower of Christ seven years now, but I just noticed in the last year or two that the psalms have a blueprint…they are divided into five sections (or books), with each book having a similar theme to the first five books of Moses… Who knew???

~ Psalms 1-41…This first collection of psalms, mainly written by David, is similar to the book of Genesis. Genesis tells us how mankind was created, how he fell into sin, and then was promised to be redeemed. Many of these psalms discuss humans as being blessed, fallen, and redeemed by God.

~ Psalms 42-72…This second collection of psalms is similar to the book of Exodus. Many of these psalms describe the nation of Israel as ruined and then restored. As God rescued Israel; He also rescues us.

~ Psalms 73-89…This collection of psalms is similar to the book of Leviticus. Just as in Leviticus, the Tabernacle and God’s holiness are magnified, and many of these psalms discuss the Temple and God’s majesty and enthronement.

~ Psalms 90-106…This collection of psalms is similar to the book of Numbers. These psalms mention the relationship of God’s kingdom to the other nations. Because we are citizens of the Kingdom of God, we can keep the events and troubles of earth in their proper perspective.

~ Psalms 107-150…This collection of psalms is similar to the book of Deuteronomy. Just as Deuteronomy was concerned with God and His Word, the psalms are anthems of praise and thanksgiving for God and His Word. This is a book that should make our hearts sing!

So, check out the psalms, and see how reading them can guide you into a deeper relationship with Our Father. There are many psalms that speak personally to me…and over time, I will share them with you. I also welcome you to share some that speak to you….