Let me share this short piece I wrote for my friend Kent’s blog, jazzed4life eSentialz. The theme for December is…“What is so special about Christmas?”

“What is Soooo special about Christmas?” December is a busy month! We set time aside to decorate, shop, and wrap presents… all of that exciting stuff! For those of us who enjoy entertaining friends and family this time of year, we not only plan the menu but we map out details and try not to overlook anything. Christmas songs are played almost everywhere. Over and over I keep hearing the song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” along with “Silver Bells,” and “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” Oh, and I can’t forget, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men seems to permeate society’s view this time of year.

Busy, busy, busy! I have to decorate the house, not to mention the tree! I have to get this done… What about this project… and how am I going to do that? Those thoughts, combined with having a physical disability, wears me out just thinking about it all! There’s so much to get done.

“O Lord, I’m so tired.” It’s a mystery to me how God always turns things around, and “resets” my perspective…

“But seek the Kingdom of God first, and all these things shall be added to you.” Luke 12: 31

“Seek Me First,” Says God! His still, small voice tells me that all of the other things trying to keep me busy, trying to burden me… He tells me that those thoughts aren’t from Him. You know what? I believe there is someone, or possibly many who need to hear this simple message today.

Seeking the Kingdom First means making sure He’s in the driver’s seat of your life. Is the Kingdom only one of your many concerns, or is it central to all that you do? Really think about that. Is it central? No, I’m not saying decorating, shopping, and doing ‘Holiday things’ are wrong. I love doing all that. Why not open your Bible and meet with Jesus? He’s waiting to talk with you!

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